Divine Discourse, Sep 28, 1965
![sathya sai baba](http://media.radiosai.org/sai_inspires/2012/uploadimages/SI_20120901.jpg)
The spiritual aspirant is given to wonder which one is better or true - the Saguna (with form) aspect or the Nirguna
(formless) aspect of God. Understand that they are like ice and water.
Though water is formless, it takes the form of the vessel which contains
it. Water and ice are one and the same. Similarly there is no
difference between the two forms of worship. In the spiritual journey, Saguna and Nirguna
meditation are like the right and left feet. When you worship a form of
the Lord, bear in mind the underlying formless aspect. Remember that
God’s Glory can never be contained through words or forms of worship.
Similarly, during the Nirguna meditation, do not lose faith or
diminish the majesty or glory that the Form carries. The final step,
however, must be the auspicious right foot, the Nirguna aspect.
To worship God as immanent in every atom or cell in the body is the
highest form of worship - Baba
highest form of worship - Baba
Category: Messages